Electrostatic Potential
and Capacitance
every volume element ∆v of the slab has a dipole moment
P ∆v in the direction of the field. The volume element ∆v is
macroscopically small but contains a very large number of
molecular dipoles. Anywhere inside the dielectric, the
volume element ∆v has no net charge (though it has net
dipole moment). This is, because, the positive charge of one
dipole sits close to the negative charge of the adjacent dipole.
However, at the surfaces of the dielectric normal to the
electric field, there is evidently a net charge density. As seen
in Fig 2.23, the positive ends of the dipoles remain
unneutralised at the right surface and the negative ends at
the left surface. The unbalanced charges are the induced
charges due to the external field.
Thus, the polarised dielectric is equivalent to two charged
surfaces with induced surface charge densities, say
and –
. Clearly, the field produced by these surface charges
opposes the external field. The total field in the dielectric
is, thereby, reduced from the case when no dielectric is
present. We should note that the surface charge density
arises from bound (not free charges) in the dielectric.
A capacitor is a system of two conductors separated by an insulator
(Fig. 2.24). The conductors have charges, say Q
and Q
, and potentials
and V
. Usually, in practice, the two conductors have charges Q
and – Q, with potential difference V = V
– V
between them. We shall
consider only this kind of charge configuration of the capacitor. (Even a
single conductor can be used as a capacitor by assuming the other at
infinity.) The conductors may be so charged by connecting them to the
two terminals of a battery. Q is called the charge of the capacitor, though
this, in fact, is the charge on one of the conductors – the total charge of
the capacitor is zero.
The electric field in the region between the
conductors is proportional to the charge Q. That
is, if the charge on the capacitor is, say doubled,
the electric field will also be doubled at every point.
(This follows from the direct proportionality
between field and charge implied by Coulomb’s
law and the superposition principle.) Now,
potential difference V is the work done per unit
positive charge in taking a small test charge from
the conductor 2 to 1 against the field.
Consequently, V is also proportional to Q, and the
ratio Q/V is a constant:
The constant C is called the capacitance of the capacitor. C is independent
of Q or V, as stated above. The capacitance C depends only on the
FIGURE 2.23 A uniformly
polarised dielectric amounts
to induced surface charge
density, but no volume
charge density.
FIGURE 2.24 A system of two conductors
separated by an insulator forms a capacitor.