would be possible if the principle of conservation
of energy were the only restriction. The table
could cool spontaneously, converting some of its
internal energy into an equal amount of
mechanical energy of the book, which would
then hop to a height with potential energy equal
to the mechanical energy it acquired. But this
never happens. Clearly, some additional basic
principle of nature forbids the above, even
though it satisfies the energy conservation
principle. This principle, which disallows many
phenomena consistent with the First Law of
Thermodynamics is known as the Second Law
of Thermodynamics.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives a
fundamental limitation to the efficiency of a heat
engine and the co-efficient of performance of a
refrigerator. In simple terms, it says that
efficiency of a heat engine can never be unity.
According to Eq. (12.20), this implies that heat
released to the cold reservoir can never be made
zero. For a refrigerator, the Second Law says that
the co-efficient of performance can never be
infinite. According to Eq. (12.21), this implies
that external work (W) can never be zero. The
following two statements, one due to Kelvin and
Planck denying the possibility of a perfect heat
engine, and another due to Clausius denying
the possibility of a perfect refrigerator or heat
pump, are a concise summary of these
Kelvin-Planck statement
No process is possible whose sole result is the
absorption of heat from a reservoir and the
complete conversion of the heat into work.
Clausius statement
No process is possible whose sole result is the
transfer of heat from a colder object to a hotter
It can be proved that the two statements
above are completely equivalent.
Imagine some process in which a thermodynamic
system goes from an initial state i to a final
state f. During the process the system absorbs
heat Q from the surroundings and performs
work W on it. Can we reverse this process and
bring both the system and surroundings to their
initial states with no other effect anywhere ?
Experience suggests that for most processes in
nature this is not possible. The spontaneous
processes of nature are irreversible. Several
examples can be cited. The base of a vessel on
an oven is hotter than its other parts. When
the vessel is removed, heat is transferred from
the base to the other parts, bringing the vessel
to a uniform temperature (which in due course
cools to the temperature of the surroundings).
The process cannot be reversed; a part of the
vessel will not get cooler spontaneously and
warm up the base. It will violate the Second Law
of Thermodynamics, if it did. The free expansion
of a gas is irreversible. The combustion reaction
of a mixture of petrol and air ignited by a spark
cannot be reversed. Cooking gas leaking from a
gas cylinder in the kitchen diffuses to the
entire room. The diffusion process will not
spontaneously reverse and bring the gas back
to the cylinder. The stirring of a liquid in thermal
contact with a reservoir will convert the work
done into heat, increasing the internal energy
of the reservoir. The process cannot be reversed
exactly; otherwise it would amount to conversion
of heat entirely into work, violating the Second
Law of Thermodynamics. Irreversibility is a rule
rather an exception in nature.
Irreversibility arises mainly from two causes:
one, many processes (like a free expansion, or
an explosive chemical reaction) take the system
to non-equilibrium states; two, most processes
involve friction, viscosity and other dissipative
effects (e.g., a moving body coming to a stop and
losing its mechanical energy as heat to the floor
and the body; a rotating blade in a liquid coming
to a stop due to viscosity and losing its
mechanical energy with corresponding gain in
the internal energy of the liquid). Since
dissipative effects are present everywhere and
can be minimised but not fully eliminated, most
processes that we deal with are irreversible.
A thermodynamic process (state i → state f )
is reversible if the process can be turned back
such that both the system and the surroundings
return to their original states, with no other
change anywhere else in the universe. From the
preceding discussion, a reversible process is an
idealised notion. A process is reversible only if
it is quasi-static (system in equilibrium with the
surroundings at every stage) and there are no
dissipative effects. For example, a quasi-static