complicated trajectories. Yet, if the total external
force acting on the system is zero, the centre of
mass moves with a constant velocity, i.e., moves
uniformly in a straight line like a free particle.
The vector Eq. (7.18a) is equivalent to three
scalar equations,
= c
, P
= c
and P
= c
(7.18 b)
Here P
, P
and P
are the components of the
total linear momentum vector P along the x–, y–
and z–axes respectively; c
, c
and c
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.13 (a) A heavy nucleus radium (Ra) splits into
a lighter nucleus radon (Rn) and an alpha
particle (nucleus of helium atom). The CM
of the system is in uniform motion.
(b) The same spliting of the heavy nucleus
radium (Ra) with the centre of mass at
rest. The two product particles fly back
to back.
As an example, let us consider the
radioactive decay of a moving unstable particle,
like the nucleus of radium. A radium nucleus
disintegrates into a nucleus of radon and an
alpha particle. The forces leading to the decay
are internal to the system and the external
forces on the system are negligible. So the total
linear momentum of the system is the same
before and after decay. The two particles
produced in the decay, the radon nucleus and
the alpha particle, move in different directions
in such a way that their centre of mass moves
along the same path along which the original
decaying radium nucleus was moving
[Fig. 7.13(a)].
If we observe the decay from the frame of
reference in which the centre of mass is at rest,
the motion of the particles involved in the decay
looks particularly simple; the product particles
move back to back with their centre of mass
remaining at rest as shown in Fig.7.13 (b).
In many problems on the system of
particles, as in the above radioactive decay
problem, it is convenient to work in the centre
of mass frame rather than in the laboratory
frame of reference.
In astronomy, binary (double) stars is a
common occurrence. If there are no external
forces, the centre of mass of a double star
moves like a free particle, as shown in Fig.7.14
(a). The trajectories of the two stars of equal
mass are also shown in the figure; they look
complicated. If we go to the centre of mass
frame, then we find that there the two stars
are moving in a circle, about the centre of
mass, which is at rest. Note that the position
of the stars have to be diametrically opposite
to each other [Fig. 7.14(b)]. Thus in our frame
of reference, the trajectories of the stars are a
combination of (i) uniform motion in a straight
line of the centre of mass and (ii) circular
orbits of the stars about the centre of mass.
As can be seen from the two examples,
separating the motion of different parts of a
system into motion of the centre of mass and
motion about the centre of mass is a very
useful technique that helps in understanding
the motion of the system.
We are already familiar with vectors and their
use in physics. In chapter 6 (Work, Energy,
Power) we defined the scalar product of two
vectors. An important physical quantity, work,
is defined as a scalar product of two vector
quantities, force and displacement.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.14 (a) Trajectories of two stars, S
line) and S
(solid line) forming a
binary system with their centre of
mass C in uniform motion.
(b) The same binary system, with the
centre of mass C at rest.