3.0 m. The length of each side is a scalar
and the perimeter is also a scalar. Take
is 11.4 °C. Similarly, if a uniform solid cube
(a scalar).
and its direction. Some physical quantities that
velocity, acceleration and force.
in this book. Thus, a velocity vector can be
represent the velocity vector. The magnitude of
a vector is often called its absolute value,
indicated by |v| = v. Thus, a vector is
represented by a bold face, e.g. by A, a, p, q, r, ...
x, y, with respective magnitudes denoted by light
face A, a, p, q, r, ... x, y.
4.2.1 Position and Displacement Vectors
To describe the position of an object moving in
a plane, we need to choose a convenient point,
say O as origin. Let P and P′ be the positions of
the object at time t and t′, respectively [Fig. 4.1(a)].
We join O and P by a straight line. Then, OP is
the position vector of the object at time t. An
arrow is marked at the head of this line. It is
represented by a symbol r, i.e. OP = r. Point P′ is
represented by another position vector, OP′
denoted by r′. The length of the vector r
represents the magnitude of the vector and its
direction is the direction in which P lies as seen
from O. If the object moves from P to P′, the
vector PP′ (with tail at P and tip at P′) is called
the displacement vector corresponding to
motion from point P (at time t) to point P′ (at time t′).
Fig. 4.1 (a) Position and displacement vectors.
(b) Displacement vector PQ and different
courses of motion.
It is important to note that displacement
vector is the straight line joining the initial and
final positions and does not depend on the actual
path undertaken by the object between the two
positions. For example, in Fig. 4.1(b), given the
initial and final positions as P and Q, the
displacement vector is the same PQ for different
paths of journey, say PABCQ, PDQ, and PBEFQ.
Therefore, the magnitude of displacement is
either less or equal to the path length of an
object between two points. This fact was
emphasised in the previous chapter also while
discussing motion along a straight line.
4.2.2 Equality of Vectors
Two vectors A and B are said to be equal if, and
only if, they have the same magnitude and the
same direction.**
Figure 4.2(a) shows two equal vectors A and
B. We can easily check their equality. Shift B
parallel to itself until its tail Q coincides with that
of A, i.e. Q coincides with O. Then, since their
tips S and P also coincide, the two vectors are
said to be equal. In general, equality is indicated
* Addition and subtraction of scalars make sense only for quantities with same units. However, you can multiply
and divide scalars of different units.
** In our study, vectors do not have fixed locations. So displacing a vector parallel to itself leaves the vector
unchanged. Such vectors are called free vectors. However, in some physical applications, location or line of
application of a vector is important. Such vectors are called localised vectors.