Physics is exciting in many ways. To some people
the excitement comes from the elegance and
universality of its basic theories, from the fact that
a few basic concepts and laws can explain
phenomena covering a large range of magnitude
of physical quantities. To some others, the challenge
in carrying out imaginative new experiments to
unlock the secrets of nature, to verify or refute
theories, is thrilling. Applied physics is equally
demanding. Application and exploitation of
physical laws to make useful devices is the most
interesting and exciting part and requires great
ingenuity and persistence of effort.
What lies behind the phenomenal progress
of physics in the last few centuries? Great
progress usually accompanies changes in our
basic perceptions. First, it was realised that for
scientific progress, only qualitative thinking,
though no doubt important, is not enough.
Quantitative measurement is central to the
growth of science, especially physics, because
the laws of nature happen to be expressible in
precise mathematical equations. The second
most important insight was that the basic laws
of physics are universal — the same laws apply
in widely different contexts. Lastly, the strategy
of approximation turned out to be very
successful. Most observed phenomena in daily
life are rather complicated manifestations of the
basic laws. Scientists recognised the importance
of extracting the essential features of a
phenomenon from its less significant aspects.
It is not practical to take into account all the
complexities of a phenomenon in one go. A good
strategy is to focus first on the essential features,
discover the basic principles and then introduce
corrections to build a more refined theory of the
phenomenon. For example, a stone and a feather
dropped from the same height do not reach the
ground at the same time. The reason is that the
essential aspect of the phenomenon, namely free
fall under gravity, is complicated by the
presence of air resistance. To get the law of free
fall under gravity, it is better to create a
situation wherein the air resistance is
negligible. We can, for example, let the stone and
the feather fall through a long evacuated tube.
In that case, the two objects will fall almost at
the same rate, giving the basic law that
acceleration due to gravity is independent of the
mass of the object. With the basic law thus
found, we can go back to the feather, introduce
corrections due to air resistance, modify the
existing theory and try to build a more realistic
Hypothesis, axioms and models
One should not think that everything can be proved
with physics and mathematics. All physics, and also
mathematics, is based on assumptions, each of
which is variously called a hypothesis or axiom or
postulate, etc.
For example, the universal law of gravitation
proposed by Newton is an assumption or hypothesis,
which he proposed out of his ingenuity. Before him,
there were several observations, experiments and
data, on the motion of planets around the sun,
motion of the moon around the earth, pendulums,
bodies falling towards the earth etc. Each of these
required a separate explanation, which was more
or less qualitative. What the universal law of
gravitation says is that, if we assume that any two
bodies in the universe attract each other with a
force proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them, then we can explain all
these observations in one stroke. It not only explains
these phenomena, it also allows us to predict the
results of future experiments.
A hypothesis is a supposition without assuming
that it is true. It would not be fair to ask anybody
to prove the universal law of gravitation, because
it cannot be proved. It can be verified and
substantiated by experiments and observations.
An axiom is a self-evident truth while a model
is a theory proposed to explain observed
phenomena. But you need not worry at this stage
about the nuances in using these words. For
example, next year you will learn about Bohr’s model
of hydrogen atom, in which Bohr assumed that an
electron in the hydrogen atom follows certain rules
(postutates). Why did he do that? There was a large
amount of spectroscopic data before him which no
other theory could explain. So Bohr said that if we
assume that an atom behaves in such a manner,
we can explain all these things at once.
Einstein’s special theory of relativity is also
based on two postulates, the constancy of the speed
of electromagnetic radiation and the validity of
physical laws in all inertial frame of reference. It
would not be wise to ask somebody to prove that
the speed of light in vacuum is constant,
independent of the source or observer.
In mathematics too, we need axioms and
hypotheses at every stage. Euclid’s statement that
parallel lines never meet, is a hypothesis. This means
that if we assume this statement, we can explain
several properties of straight lines and two or three
dimensional figures made out of them. But if you
don’t assume it, you are free to use a different axiom
and get a new geometry, as has indeed happened in
the past few centuries and decades.