Both these statements are true, therefore, the compound statement is true.
(ii) The component statements are
p: 0 is less than every positive integer.
q: 0 is less than every negative integer.
The second statement is false. Therefore, the compound statement is false.
(iii) The two component statements are
p: All living things have two legs.
q: All living things have two eyes.
Both these statements are false. Therefore, the compound statement is false.
Now, consider the following statement.
p: A mixture of alcohol and water can be separated by chemical methods.
This sentence cannot be considered as a compound statement with “And”. Here the
word “And” refers to two things – alcohol and water.
This leads us to an important note.
Note Do not think that a statement with “And” is always a compound statement
as shown in the above example. Therefore, the word “And” is not used as a connective.
14.4.2 The word “Or”
Let us look at the following statement.
p: Two lines in a plane either intersect at one point or they are parallel.
We know that this is a true statement. What does this mean? This means that if two
lines in a plane intersect, then they are not parallel. Alternatively, if the two lines are not
parallel, then they intersect at a point. That is this statement is true in both the situations.
In order to understand statements with “Or” we first notice that the word “Or” is
used in two ways in English language. Let us first look at the following statement.
p: An ice cream or pepsi is available with a Thali in a restaurant.
This means that a person who does not want ice cream can have a pepsi along
Thali or one does not want pepsi can have an ice cream along with Thali. That is,
who do not want a pepsi can have an ice cream. A person cannot have both ice cream
and pepsi. This is called an exclusive “Or”.
Here is another statement.
A student who has taken biology or chemistry can apply for M.Sc.
microbiology programme.
Here we mean that the students who have taken both biology and chemistry can
apply for the microbiology programme, as well as the students who have taken only
one of these subjects. In this case, we are using inclusive “Or”.
It is important to note the difference between these two ways because we require this
when we check whether the statement is true or not.