According to Raoult’s law, the vapour pressure of a volatile component
in a given solution is given by p
= x
. In the solution of a gas in a
liquid, one of the components is so volatile that it exists as a gas and
we have already seen that its solubility is given by Henry’s law which
states that
p = K
If we compare the equations for Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, it
can be seen that the partial pressure of the volatile component or gas
is directly proportional to its mole fraction in solution. Only the
proportionality constant K
differs from p
. Thus, Raoult’s law becomes
a special case of Henry’s law in which K
becomes equal to p
Another important class of solutions consists of solids dissolved in
liquid, for example, sodium chloride, glucose, urea and cane sugar in
water and iodine and sulphur dissolved in carbon disulphide. Some
physical properties of these solutions are quite different from those of
pure solvents. For example, vapour pressure. We have learnt in Unit 5,
Class XI, that liquids at a given temperature vapourise and under
equilibrium conditions the pressure exerted
by the vapours of the liquid over the liquid
phase is called vapour pressure [Fig. 2.4 (a)].
In a pure liquid the entire surface is
occupied by the molecules of the liquid. If a
non-volatile solute is added to a solvent to
give a solution [Fig. 2.4.(b)], the vapour
pressure of the solution is solely from the
solvent alone. This vapour pressure of the
solution at a given temperature is found to
be lower than the vapour pressure of the
pure solvent at the same temperature. In
the solution, the surface has both solute and
solvent molecules; thereby the fraction of the
surface covered by the solvent molecules gets
reduced. Consequently, the number of
solvent molecules escaping from the surface
is correspondingly reduced, thus, the vapour
pressure is also reduced.
The decrease in the vapour pressure of solvent depends on the
quantity of non-volatile solute present in the solution, irrespective of
its nature. For example, decrease in the vapour pressure of water by
adding 1.0 mol of sucrose to one kg of water is nearly similar to that
produced by adding 1.0 mol of urea to the same quantity of water at
the same temperature.
Raoult’s law in its general form can be stated as, for any solution
the partial vapour pressure of each volatile component in the
solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction.
In a binary solution, let us denote the solvent by 1 and solute by
2. When the solute is non-volatile, only the solvent molecules are
present in vapour phase and contribute to vapour pressure. Let p
2.4.2 Raoult’s
Law as a
special case
of Henry’s
2.4.3 Vapour
Pressure of
Solutions of
Solids in
Fig. 2.4: Decrease in the vapour pressure of the
solvent on account of the presence of
solute in the solvent (a) evaporation of the
molecules of the solvent from its surface
is denoted by , (b) in a solution, solute
particles have been denoted by and they
also occupy part of the surface area.