(c) Hydrocarbons: Hydrocarbons are
composed of hydrogen and carbon only and
are formed by incomplete combustion of fuel
used in automobiles. Hydrocarbons are
carcinogenic, i.e., they cause cancer. They
harm plants by causing ageing, breakdown of
tissues and shedding of leaves, flowers and
(d) Oxides of Carbon
(i ) Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide (CO)
is one of the most serious air pollutants. It is a
colourless and odourless gas, highly
poisonous to living beings because of its ability
to block the delivery of oxygen to the organs
and tissues. It is produced as a result of
incomplete combustion of carbon. Carbon
monoxide is mainly released into the air by
automobile exhaust. Other sources, which
produce CO, involve incomplete combustion
of coal, firewood, petrol, etc. The number of
vehicles has been increasing over the years all
over the world. Many vehicles are poorly
maintained and several have inadequate
pollution control equipments resulting in the
release of greater amount of carbon monoxide
and other polluting gases. Do you know why
carbon monoxide is poisonous? It binds to
haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin,
which is about 300 times more stable than the
oxygen-haemoglobin complex. In blood, when
the concentration of carboxyhaemoglobin
reaches about 3–4 per cent, the oxygen
carrying capacity of blood is greatly
reduced. This oxygen deficiency, results into
headache, weak eyesight, nervousness and
cardiovascular disorder. This is the reason why
people are advised not to smoke. In pregnant
women who have the habit of smoking the
increased CO level in blood may induce
premature birth, spontaneous abortions and
deformed babies.
(ii) Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide (CO
) is
released into the atmosphere by respiration,
burning of fossil fuels for energy, and by
decomposition of limestone during the
manufacture of cement. It is also emitted
during volcanic eruptions. Carbon dioxide gas
is confined to troposphere only. Normally it
forms about 0.03 per cent by volume of the
atmosphere. With the increased use of fossil
fuels, a large amount of carbon dioxide gets
released into the atmosphere. Excess of CO
in the air is removed by green plants and this
maintains an appropriate level of CO
in the
atmosphere. Green plants require CO
photosynthesis and they, in turn, emit oxygen,
thus maintaining the delicate balance. As you
know, deforestation and burning of fossil fuel
increases the CO
level and disturb the balance
in the atmosphere. The increased amount of
in the air is mainly responsible for global
Global Warming and Greenhouse Effect
About 75 % of the solar energy reaching the
earth is absorbed by the earth’s surface, which
increases its temperature. The rest of the heat
radiates back to the atmosphere. Some of the
heat is trapped by gases such as carbon
dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbon
compounds (CFCs) and water vapour in the
atmosphere. Thus, they add to the heating of
the atmosphere. This causes global warming.
We all know that in cold places flowers,
vegetables and fruits are grown in glass
covered areas called greenhouse. Do you
know that we humans also live in a
greenhouse? Of course, we are not surrounded
by glass but a blanket of air called the
atmosphere, which has kept the temperature
on earth constant for centuries. But it is now
undergoing change, though slowly. Just as
the glass in a greenhouse holds the sun’s
warmth inside, atmosphere traps the sun’s
heat near the earth’s surface and keeps it
warm. This is called natural greenhouse
effect because it maintains the temperature
and makes the earth perfect for life. In a
greenhouse, solar radiations pass through
the transparent glass and heat up the soil
and the plants. The warm soil and plants emit
infrared radiations. Since glass is opaque to
infrared radiations (thermal region), it partly
reflects and partly absorbs these radiations.
This mechanism keeps the energy of the
sun trapped in the greenhouse. Similarly,
carbon dioxide molecules also trap heat as
they are transparent to sunlight but not
to the heat radiation. If the amount of