Chemistry plays a central role in science and
is often intertwined with other branches of
Principles of chemistry are applicable in
diverse areas, such as weather patterns,
functioning of brain and operation of a
computer, production in chemical industries,
manufacturing fertilisers, alkalis, acids, salts,
dyes, polymers, drugs, soaps, detergents,
metals, alloys, etc., including new material.
Chemistry contributes in a big way to the
national economy. It also plays an important
role in meeting human needs for food,
healthcare products and other material
aimed at improving the quality of life. This
is exemplified by the large-scale production
of a variety of fertilisers, improved variety of
pesticides and insecticides. Chemistry
provides methods for the isolation of life-
saving drugs from natural sources and
makes possible synthesis of such drugs.
Some of these drugs are cisplatin and taxol,
which are effective in cancer therapy. The
drug AZT (Azidothymidine) is used for
helping AIDS patients.
Chemistry contributes to a large extent
in the development and growth of a nation.
With a better understanding of chemical
principles it has now become possible to
design and synthesise new material having
specific magnetic, electric and optical
properties. This has lead to the production
of superconducting ceramics, conducting
polymers, optical fibres, etc. Chemistry has
helped in establishing industries which
manufacture utility goods, like acids,
alkalies, dyes, polymesr metals, etc. These
industries contribute in a big way to the
economy of a nation and generate
In recent years, chemistry has helped
in dealing with some of the pressing aspects
of environmental degradation with a fair
degree of success. Safer alternatives to
environmentally hazardous refrigerants, like
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), responsible for
ozone depletion in the stratosphere, have
been successfully synthesised. However,
many big environmental problems continue
to be matters of grave concern to the
chemists. One such problem is the
management of the Green House gases, like
methane, carbon dioxide, etc. Understanding
of biochemical processes, use of enzymes for
large-scale production of chemicals and
synthesis of new exotic material are some of
the intellectual challenges for the future
generation of chemists. A developing country,
like India, needs talented and creative
chemists for accepting such challenges. To
be a good chemist and to accept such
challanges, one needs to understand the
basic concepts of chemistry, which begin with
the concept of matter. Let us start with the
nature of matter.
You are already familiar with the term matter
from your earlier classes. Anything which has
mass and occupies space is called matter
Everything around us, for example, book, pen,
pencil, water, air, all living beings, etc., are
composed of matter. You know that they have
mass and they occupy space. Let us recall the
characteristics of the states of matter, which
you learnt in your previous classes.
1.2.1 States of Matter
You are aware that matter can exist in three
physical states viz. solid, liquid and gas. The
constituent particles of matter in these three
states can be represented as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Particles are held very close to each other
in solids in an orderly fashion and there is not
much freedom of movement. In liquids, the
particles are close to each other but they can
move around. However, in gases, the particles
are far apart as compared to those present in
solid or liquid states and their movement is
easy and fast. Because of such arrangement
of particles, different states of matter exhibit
the following characteristics:
(i) Solids have definite volume and definite
(ii) Liquids have definite volume but do not
have definite shape. They take the shape
of the container in which they are placed.