and that is why it was given the name
X-chromosome. It was also observed that in
a large number of insects the mechanism of
sex determination is of the XO type, i.e., all
eggs bear an additional X-chromosome
besides the other chromosomes
(autosomes). On the other hand, some of the
sperms bear the X-chromosome whereas
some do not. Eggs fertilised by sperm having
an X-chromosome become females and,
those fertilised by sperms that do not have
an X-chromosome become males. Do you
think the number of chromosomes in the
male and female are equal? Due to the
involvement of the X-chromosome in the
determination of sex, it was designated to
be the sex chromosome, and the rest of the
chromosomes were named as
autosomes.Grasshopper is an example of
XO type of sex determination in which the
males have only one X-chromosome besides
the autosomes, whereas females have a pair
of X-chromosomes.
These observations led to the
investigation of a number of species to
understand the mechanism of sex
determination. In a number of other insects
and mammals including man, XY type of sex
determination is seen where both male and
female have same number of chromosomes.
Among the males an X-chromosome is
present but its counter part is distinctly
smaller and called the Y-chromosome.
Females, however, have a pair of X-
chromosomes. Both males and females bear
same number of autosomes. Hence, the males have autosomes plus XY,
while female have autosomes plus XX. In human beings and in
Drosophila the males have one X and one Y chromosome, whereas females
have a pair of X-chromosomes besides autosomes (Figure 5.12 a, b).
In the above description you have studied about two types of sex
determining mechanisms, i.e., XO type and XY type. But in both cases
males produce two different types of gametes, (a) either with or without
X-chromosome or (b) some gametes with X-chromosome and some with
Y-chromosome. Such types of sex determination mechanism is designated
to be the example of male heterogamety. In some other organisms, e.g.,
birds, a different mechanism of sex determination is observed (Figure
5.12 c). In this case the total number of chromosome is same in both
males and females. But two different types of gametes in terms of the sex
Figure 5.12 Determination of sex by chromosomal
differences: (a,b) Both in humans and
in Drosophila, the female has a pair of
XX chromosomes (homogametic) and the
male XY (heterogametic) composition;
(c) In many birds, female has a pair of
dissimilar chromosomes ZW and male
two similar ZZ chromosomes