and physiology, when it comes to sexual mode of reproduction,
surprisingly, they share a similar pattern. Let us first discuss what features
are common to these diverse organisms.
All organisms have to reach a certain stage of growth and maturity in
their life, before they can reproduce sexually. That period of growth is
called the juvenile phase. It is known as vegetative phase in plants.
This phase is of variable durations in different organisms.
The end of juvenile/vegetative phase which marks the beginning of
the reproductive phase can be seen easily in the higher plants when they
come to flower. How long does it take for marigold/rice/wheat/coconut/
mango plants to come to flower? In some plants, where flowering occurs
more than once, what would you call the inter-flowering period – juvenile
or mature?
Observe a few trees in your area. Do they flower during the same
month year after year? Why do you think the availability of fruits like
mango, apple, jackfruit, etc., is seasonal? Are there some plants that flower
throughout the year and some others that show seasonal flowering?
Plants–the annual and biennial types, show clear cut vegetative,
reproductive and senescent phases, but in the perennial species it is very
difficult to clearly define these phases.
A few plants exhibit unusual
flowering phenomenon; some of them such as bamboo species flower only
once in their life time, generally after 50-100 years, produce large number
of fruits and die. Another plant, Strobilanthus kunthiana (neelakuranji),
flowers once in 12 years. As many of you would know, this plant flowered
during September-October 2006. Its mass flowering transformed large
tracks of hilly areas in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into blue
stretches and attracted a large number of tourists. In animals, the juvenile
phase is followed by morphological and physiological changes prior to
active reproductive behaviour. The reproductive phase is also of variable
duration in different organisms.
Can you list the changes seen in human beings that are indicative
of reproductive maturity?
Among animals, for example birds, do they lay eggs all through the
year? Or is it a seasonal phenomenon? What about other animals like
frogs and lizards? You will notice that, birds living in nature lay eggs only
seasonally. However, birds in captivity (as in poultry farms) can be made
to lay eggs throughout the year. In this case, laying eggs is not related to
reproduction but is a commercial exploitation for human welfare. The
females of placental mammals exhibit cyclical changes in the activities of
ovaries and accessory ducts as well as hormones during the reproductive
phase. In non-primate mammals like cows, sheep, rats, deers, dogs, tiger,
etc., such cyclical changes during reproduction are called oestrus cycle
where as in primates (monkeys, apes, and humans) it is called menstrual
cycle. Many mammals, especially those living in natural, wild conditions
exhibit such cycles only during favourable seasons in their reproductive