opening of the spiracles is regulated by the sphincters. Exchange of gases
take place at the tracheoles by diffusion.
Excretion is performed by Malpighian tubules. Each tubule is lined
by glandular and ciliated cells. They absorb nitrogenous waste products
and convert them into uric acid which is excreted out through the hindgut.
Therefore, this insect is called uricotelic. In addition, the fat body,
nephrocytes and urecose glands also help in excretion.
The nervous system of cockroach consists of a series of fused,
segmentally arranged ganglia joined by paired longitudinal connectives
on the ventral side. Three ganglia lie in the thorax, and six in the abdomen.
The nervous system of cockroach is spread throughout the body. The
head holds a bit of a nervous system while the rest is situated along the
ventral (belly-side) part of its body. So, now you understand that if the
head of a cockroach is cut off, it will still live for as long as one week. In
the head region, the brain is represented by supra-oesophageal ganglion
which supplies nerves to antennae and compound eyes. In cockroach,
the sense organs are antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, labial palps, anal
cerci, etc. The compound eyes are situated at the dorsal surface of the
head. Each eye consists of about 2000 hexagonal ommatidia
(sing.: ommatidium). With the help of several ommatidia, a cockroach can
receive several images of an object. This kind of vision is known as mosaic
vision with more sensitivity but less resolution, being common during
night (hence called nocturnal vision).
Cockroaches are dioecious and both sexes have well developed
reproductive organs (Figure 7.18). Male reproductive system consists of
a pair of testes one lying on each lateral side in the 4
segments. From each testis arises a thin vas deferens, which opens into
ejaculatory duct through seminal vesicle. The ejaculatory duct opens into
male gonopore situated ventral to anus. A characteristic mushroom-
shaped gland is present in the 6
abdominal segments which functions
as an accessory reproductive gland. The external genitalia are represented
by male gonapophysis or phallomere (chitinous asymmetrical structures,
surrounding the male gonopore). The sperms are stored in the seminal
vesicles and are glued together in the form of bundles called
spermatophores which are discharged during copulation. The female
reproductive sysytem consists of two large ovaries, lying laterally in the
– 6
abdominal segments. Each ovary is formed of a group of eight
ovarian tubules or ovarioles, containing a chain of developing ova.
Oviducts of each ovary unite into a single median oviduct (also called
vagina) which opens into the genital chamber. A pair of spermatheca is
present in the 6
segment which opens into the genital chamber.
Sperms are transferred through spermatophores. Their fertilised eggs
are encased in capsules called oothecae. Ootheca is a dark reddish to
blackish brown capsule, about 3/8" (8 mm) long. They are dropped or